Unlocking the Power of Pressure Cooking

Sep 26, 2023


There's a vast range of cooking appliances out there, and it can get overwhelming when you look into them and their specs. Now, if you want to narrow the list down to the appliances and methods used and loved by many, it's still an extensive list, and it's not for nothing. Each option presents its unique advantages. 
Whether one prefers cooking on the stovetop, in the oven, on an outdoor grill, or using a slow cooker, the ultimate goal is to produce a delicious meal that makes the time and effort spent cooking worthwhile. We're certainly not here to say any one method is better than any other. 
That being said, for today's post, we'll focus on a cooking method that is often overlooked yet incredibly powerful: the pressure cooker.

A Brief History of the Pressure Cooker

Pressure cooking may seem like a modern marvel, but its history dates back to 1679 when French physicist Denis Papin introduced the world to the first known pressure cooker. Despite this early invention, the method gained significant traction only around World War II when people realized how fuel-efficient pressure cookers were. They're a staple in many households, streamlining the cooking process while being energy-efficient.
The technological advancements are evident when comparing traditional pressure cookers to modern versions. Older stovetop models use a steam regulator and safety valve to manage pressure levels, producing a characteristic rattling sound as they operate. On the other hand, the CHEF iQ Smart Pressure Cooker offers a more user-friendly experience with its 10 cooking functions, 18 unique features, built-in scale, and an accompanying app that provides 600+ foolproof guided recipes.

The Recipe for Pressure Cooking Success

If you're considering delving into the world of pressure cooking, there are some general guidelines you should keep in mind to ensure optimal results. Firstly, familiarize yourself with the instruction manual and any pressure cooking-specific recipes. Pressure cooking is simple enough, but it's a method that thrives on precision.
One critical rule is to fill the cooker appropriately. Depending on what you're cooking—beans, meat, or vegetables—there are different recommendations for how much the pot should be filled. When cooking food that expands, like beans, half-full is the maximum amount. On the other hand, filling up to two-thirds of the cooker is advisable for different food items. Leave at least one cup of liquid to aid in cooking.
Speaking of cooking, the technique of browning, or caramelization, should be considered. Stovetop and electric pressure cookers usually have a setting that allows for browning. This process enhances the flavor of your food and should be noticed.
The size and type of ingredients you're using also matter. Denser foods that require longer cooking times should be cut into smaller pieces. Always adhere to any size specifications provided in the recipe you're using. Different ingredients have varying cooking times, and modern pressure cookers allow you to adjust these settings accordingly.
To maximize your stovetop cooking efficiency, use two burners—one at high heat to initially reach the target pressure and another at medium or low heat to maintain it.

Timing and Texture Matter

Time management is crucial in pressure cooking. Always set a timer and start counting the minutes only after the cooker has reached its target pressure. Moreover, some softer foods, like fish, may need to be more suitable for pressure cooking due to their delicate nature. And while vegetables can benefit from the cooking method, they can quickly become mushy if overcooked. Anything that is super quick to do on the stovetop may not be suited for the pressure cooker because it becomes too overbearing. But if an electric pressure cooker is your only option, do what you must to eat a fresh and balanced meal!
In terms of seasonings and additional ingredients like dairy or herbs, it's best to add these at the end of the cooking process. The high-pressure environment can sometimes alter the textures and flavors, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

The Nutritional Bonus: Enhanced Digestibility

Finally, what sets pressure cooking apart from other cooking methods is its ability to make foods easier to digest. Due to the high-pressure environment and steam, even tough cuts of meat become succulent and tender, which often indicates easier digestion. Studies have shown that pressure cooking can increase the digestibility of proteins in legumes by up to 84%. This means that you're not just eating well but absorbing more nutrients, too.
So, the next time you're contemplating your cooking method of choice, consider unlocking the potential of your pressure cooker, especially if you're using a CHEF iQ Smart Cooker for greater ease. It's not just a kitchen appliance; it's a tool for culinary success and better nutrition. As you get more accustomed to using a pressure cooker, your mind will expand to the greater culinary possibilities that await at the push of a button.

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