Tips for Your Holiday Table

Dec 18, 2020

Although the holiday season may seem a little different this year, you can still set a beautiful table for your smaller family dinners. Your meal will, of course, be the star of the show, but the presentation is a main supporting character. From design to décor, follow the below tips to set your table up for success.

Colorful Cuisine

A colorful dinner not only tastes great, but it also displays delightfully. The winter boasts some beautiful produce options, so opt for vibrancy when shopping for your fruits and veggies. Select rainbow carrots over one-toned orange varieties, or add some fresh pomegranate seeds to your famous brussels sprouts for a pop of color. Take it a step further and plan your starchy sides based on color. We love the bright pop of orange you get from mashed sweet potatoes!

Lock Down Your Layout

An important requirement of a holiday feast is fixing up extra space, and a little planning goes a long way. If you set your table with your special-occasion plates, glasses, and silverware first, figuring out where to put the food will fall into place.

Deck Out Your Décor

If your food station is set elsewhere, like on your kitchen island or on a buffet table, you’ll have extra room to get crafty with your table décor! Use some jewel-toned candlesticks to add height and color to the table, or lay out some seasonal fruits to set the scene. You can also spice up the table with a runner of seasonal garland.

Nab Some Patterned Napkins

Add some festive flair to your table by using themed paper napkins. Not only do these come in virtually every pattern and color, but they’re exceptionally easy to clean up. If you do opt for fabric, there are some folding techniques to keep in mind. One of our favorite methods is super simple; unravel your napkin, pinch it by the center, and place it into a wine glass.

Follow these few steps, and your table and place settings will be photo-ready!

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