Tidy Your Kitchen This Holiday

Dec 21, 2020

During the holiday season, wrapping presents, cooking, and spending time with family may put your cleaning efforts on hold. When it comes to hosting your small holiday dinner, you may feel overwhelmed about straightening up your kitchen. With the below tips, you’ll get your space spic and span in no time.

  1. De-Clutter the Counters 
    Purge old bills and mail and put important documents away. This will ensure your counters and surfaces are sparkling clean before you get busy cooking in the kitchen. 

  2. Prep the Oven & Microwave 
    From splattered sauce to spilled crumbs, your microwave might desperately need a deep-clean. Be sure to wipe down the inside burners of your oven with a damp rag. This will get rid of any unwanted crumbs that could burn. 

  3. Refresh the Refrigerator
    From leftovers to half-open containers of (????), you might want to give your fridge a little love. Toss old condiments and expired beverages and organize your shelves and bins by product to make room for your fresh food for the holiday.
  4. Inspect the Dishwasher
    Your dishwasher will be doing a lot of the heavy lifting during the holiday season. Check the drain for any broken glass and lost utensils, and be sure to remove any pieces of food. Give the interior a wipe down with some white vinegar and a sponge to remove any residue. 

  5. Create a Cooking Schedule
    Having a cooking schedule will help reduce the stress and facilitate some coordination for your frying, sautéing, and baking. Figure out what foods can be cooked ahead of time, like refrigerated desserts and savory stews. 

  6. Update Your Smart Cooker 
    Make sure your CHEF iQ Smart Cooker is up-to-date on firmware so you can get cooking!

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