How to extend the shelf life of your groceries

Aug 21, 2020


Buying fresh produce can often feel like a race to enjoy before they go bad, and tossing them in the fridge is not always the answer. Follow these tips to keep your herbs, fruits, and veggies crisp, juicy, and delicious for longer.

  1. Treat herbs and delicate vegetables like flowers 
    To keep carrots and celery crunchy, asparagus firm, and herbs aromatic, plunk them in a glass jar of water like bunch of flowers and refrigerate them, changing the water every few days. Cover the top of the jar loosely with a plastic bag to retain moisture. Pro tip: The one exception here is basil, keep those aromatic leaves out of the fridge.
  2. Wrap greens to prevent wilting
    Loosely wrap leafy greens in a damp cloth or paper towel before stashing them in the crisper drawer. This damp, porous wrap will keep them moist and verdant while also allowing for airflow to keep them fresh.
  3. Free potatoes from plastic
    If your potatoes came in a plastic bag, free them as soon as you get home, transferring them to a basket or mesh bag. This free airflow will keep them firmer longer and prevent premature sprouting.
  4. Freeze any abundance
    Went a little crazy at the farmers market? Freeze some of the excess for future good eating. For best results, spread things like corn kernels, diced peppers, broccoli florets, berries, or cut up melon in a single layer, freeze until rock solid, then transfer to an air-tight freezer container. Though not as delicious as fresh, the frozen fruit can go right into a smoothie while the cut-up vegetables make an easy addition to any soup or stir-fry.

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