Halloween is well on the way, and there’s no better way to christen the season than snacking on candy corn and carving up some jack-o’- lanterns. Prep your pumpkin like a pro with these common household carving tools.
Serrated Knife
Use this knife to cut a large round hole in the bottom of your pumpkin. It’s easier to place your pumpkin over a light source than lower a candle into the pumpkin. This will also give the pumpkin a flat bottom to rest on.
Ice Cream Scoop
Scoop out all the pumpkin “guts” and seeds and scrape the inner walls clean. If you don’t have a scooper handy, a large metal spoon will do the trick. Discard the pulp and save the seeds to roast for a tasty snack.
Paring Knife
Carve your spooky shapes and designs with this small, sharp, and nimble knife. If possible, sharpen the knife before cutting.
Petroleum Jelly
Pumpkins break down quickly once carved. Prevent decay by rubbing the inside with petroleum jelly, and you’ll have a spooktacular show ready for your Hallo-weekend festivities.